
Restaurant Visual

photo montage from a 1915 vintage photograph of the Central Station

CFL is actually renovating and opening a brand new restaurant inside the epic building of the Central Railway Station of Luxembourg’.

In the central part of the restaurant, the ceiling needs to be hidden from the extraction installations.

We created a photo montage from a 1915 vintage photograph of the Central Station.
By mirroring the image multiple times, we created an intriguing visual resembling a city scape. At a second glance, one will recognize the Central Station. The ‘city scape’ runs along both long sides of the stretch ceiling; resembles a gothic arched ceiling.


Back in the days, this space functioned as the waiting room for the first class travelers. The original curved ceilings are unfortunately no longer visible. By creating an illustration resembling a gothic arched ceiling, we are bringing back some grandeur from past times. The visual embraces the beauty and history of the train station and will offer great visual distraction to travelers waiting for their connecting train while enjoying their coffee, lunch or dinner.

With the construction works for the new tram line being in full swing, we selected an image from a time the ‘old’ tram was still in function. In the center of the illustration, the tramlines form an alluring line play.